

LEANPRO and GARMIR are Lean Manufacturing specialists since 2006 and have been working with customers from different fields, supporting them in the design and implementation of lean operations. We are prepared to cover all your needs from a small manufacturing cell to a complete enterprise including every step in your Supply Chain and from simple manual devices to the most robust state of the art solutions.


“Moving random events into predictable processes”
This is the DNA of our corporation.

We visualize our clients operations as a series of random events that create chaos in the supply chain and manufacturing floor.

Organizational Lean Cultural transformation can only be accomplished with the environment created by our process and procedures and it is driven by people behaviors and enforced by organizational rules, metrics and reward systems.

LEANPRO S.A. de C.V is a company that provides products and services for material handling, production and warehousing a with large experience in the Automotive, Aerospace and Electronic Industry, also we have experience with other type industries that require high specifications and quality levels. Our company focus in provide services, ideas and solutions to optimize your resources and to insure that your investment accomplish the return on saving in time and money. Our products are tools to accomplish your saving objectives.
